“Preventing Food Waste by bringing together demand and supply at the right time”

“Good food, being in the open air and being with nice folks.” Those answers are given by most people if you ask them what they consider as important. As a company we do not want to ignore the downside, and as a result we decided in 1991 face the challenge of food being wasted and how to play a role in changing that. So that we can continue enjoying the good life in a prosperous way.

Froozzoo has been established for enjoying the good life in a responsible manner. We want our children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy being in the open air, surrounded by kind folks and provided with good food. It is our mission to contribute to sustainability by preventing food waste.
Positive innovation trends are those which improve food production processes and the conservation of food. Frozen foods guarantee quality in the long run. It stays fresh and healthy, without the use of additives. A natural way of conserving. By freezing the nutrition, either semi-finished as well as end- products for shipment, the quality can be guaranteed, also in the long run. With the current demand and supply around the globe it is a sensible way of saving food and still make it daily fresh.

Our developing world creates an enduring supply of food available at all times. The challenge lies in getting the right product, at the right time and at the right place. Without wasting any of the former qualities. We as Froozzoo, want to support you in preventing waste in any way we can, this includes our support where the process deviates from the operational standard.

The right product, at the right place at the right time.

Froozzoo has an unique network of secondary salesmarkets throughout Europe, where we can sell your products discreetly and without harming your network, and with consideration of EU legislation. This way we can guarantee outlet when time is a compelling factor.

Efficiency is the most important key to realise a world with sustainable foodproduction and a minimalisation of loss.